Monthly Archives: November 2014

Seven Days of Sewing: The Week that Never Was



Elephant in the room… Seven Days of Sewing, the week that never was.

Anyone who pays much attention to my chatter will know that in my last blog post I said that I would dedicate seven days to rounding up half-finished sewing projects, then offered seven days of posts showing how fantastic it went. That’s what I said I’d do. Did I manage it? No. It was, by all accounts, a fail of epic proportions. I managed to write a blog on the very first day and then all went quiet on the blogging front. Read the rest of this entry

Seven Days of Sewing: Day 1


Seeing as today was my day-off I thought I’d tackle one of my work-in-progress projects that I thought would be a bit more time consuming. I forgot to take a before shot but you see the purple/blue flowery dress/top in the picture below? That’s what I planned to sort .


Read the rest of this entry

Seven days of sewing



Anyone who knows me will tell you in great length how I’m not the best at organising things… as my old papa would say, “You can’t organise a shindig in a brewery!” (well he wouldn’t have said shindig but I thought I’d stick with the PC version). And as as much as I know it drives those around me mad, and there are days when I wish I could be a bit more organised, with less running around headless and a bit more planning, I do secretly like the laid-back approach. Having a slightly more laissez faire approach to life means that I never know where an adventure or activity is going to end up, where I’ll end up going or what a project will end up turning into. We all spend so much time rushing around to get to our goals that I think we sometimes miss out on the middle bit. For me, the enjoying part about sewing isn’t necessarily the finished item, although I do like sparkly new things, but it’s more about the learning of new skills, mastering new patterns and being able to accomplish a new challenge. Read the rest of this entry